Title: Songs Of Some Silliness
Artist: Hillsong Kids & Funny Man Dan
Executive Producers: Brian and Bobbie Houston
Produced by: David Wakerley
Format: Digital Audio
Digital Release Date: 5 July 2019
Total Duration: 00:50:46 (hh:mm:ss)
1. CRAZY NOISE - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
2. WE ARE FAMILY - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
3. IT ALL STARTS IN MY BRAIN - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
4. UNLIKELY HEROES - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer, David Wakerley & Paul Stokes
5. I CANNOT SEE HIM WITH MY EYEBALLS - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
6. WHAT IS THE ANSWER? - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
7. HOPEITY HOPE - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
8. TALKING 'BOUT LOVE - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
9. CHILDREN OF THE BIBLE - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
10. DANDY CANDY EATING HANDY HANDS - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
11. EVERYBODY LEND ME YOUR EARS - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
12. FRUIT... THE SPIRITUAL KIND - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
13. SONG ABOUT WRITIN' A SONG - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
14. A GIFT SO WONDERFUL - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
15. SHEPHERDS WE HAVE HEARD ON HIGH - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
16. PSALMS, PROVERBS & PARABLES TOO - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
17. IT WAS SCIENCE! - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
18. GOD LOOKS AT THE HEART - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
19. WORTHY, RIGHTEOUS, HOLY, SOCKS? - Words and Music by: Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
20. LOVE NEVER FAILS - Words and Music by: Gio Galanti, Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
A wacky silly
Funny sound that you enjoy
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
So everybody knows
That you’re praising the Lord
Make a crazy Crazy joyful noise
A wacky silly
Funny sound that you enjoy
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
So everybody knows
That you’re praising the Lord
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
A wacky silly
Funny sound that you enjoy
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
So everybody knows
That you’re praising the Lord
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
A wacky silly
Funny sound that you enjoy
Make a crazy
Crazy joyful noise
So everybody knows
That you’re praising the Lord
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 6034735
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
We are all family
I’m sorry can you repeat that for me
I said that We are all family
That’s physically impossible, it just can’t be
But it’s true that we’re all family
But my mum had six children and you’re not one of them
Well when I say that…
Plus when I look through my family albums and there isn’t a single photo of you
Well that is because…
Plus you have blood type B-positive and both my parents are blood type A-positive and the statistical likelihood is that the high ninetyfive percentile that all their children would have the same blood type and you don’t
Listen to this
We are all family
It’s time to open your eyes and plainly see
That this is the truth and it will always be
That we are all God’s family
So we’re related
Yes related
It’s so much to take in
That we’re related?
We’re related!
You’re like my next of kin
It’s so much to process but it’s kind of great
That my new brother is my old mate
Ha ha it’s not just us
We are all family
Not just a group of people that you have ’round for tea
There’s a lot more of us you’ve just got to believe
That we are all God’s family
So it’s not just you and me that’s a part of this song
If you thought that was right then buddy you would be wrong
So who else is there? Is it a boy or a girl?
Well it’s both, it’s everyone in the world
You just rhymed with what I said twice
You’re like you’re a poet and nobody told you
Thank you very much
But how can we all be related
Well we all share the same father
No, God
Ha, Ha that makes sense
Well You’re a brother from another mother
You’re a sister from another mister
Dave don’t you know that
We are all family
All brothers and sisters in God’s tree
I’m related to him and he’s related to me
‘Cause we are all God’s family
You’re getting it
There’s my sister there’s my uncle there go two of my aunts
Meet my Opa and my Oma
And my cousin from France
There goes Dominic and Anna both related to me
And Bobbie and Matilda and some dude who can ski
My granny named Angelica and shop keeper Pete
My dear grandfather with the happy, happy feet
We are all family
Understanding this is the major key
To loving your neighbour who is me
We are all God’s family
We are all family
From Tasmania to Tenesse
Heaven is our home and one day we will be
Together as One family
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 5976162
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
My cranium is buzzing, my mind goes round and round
Everything’s overwhelming, well that’s what I have found
It’s a scary world out there, and I don’t know what to do
I find myself worrying even when I’m on the loo
It all starts in my brain
Steaming through my head
Like a chugga choo choo train
I need to read Romans 12 verse 2
God change my thinking
Show me how to live for You
My cranium is buzzing, my mind goes round and round
Well everything is awesome, well that’s what I have found
A beautiful world out there filled with people that I love
Life is a gift, given from our God above
And it all starts in my brain
It keeps me looking forward
with the thoughts that it contains
So I believe in Romans 12 verse 2
God change my thinking
Show me how to live for You
Our craniums are buzzing, our minds go round and round
We’re transforming our thinking with this verse that we have found
The thoughts that used to bother us don’t bother us no more
We simply change the way we think and show them to the door
Trumpet Solo!
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130268
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer, Paul Stokes & David Wakerley
Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Jonathan
David, Esther, Mary, Gideon
Samuel, Daniel, Jonah and the Whale
These are just some of the heroes from the Bibles pages
Who put their trust in God and down through the ages
Generations have heard these heroes tales
From these ordinary people came extraordinary things
Everyday people like me
And if God don’t have no favourites then you have to agree
There is an unlikely hero in me
Let’s start with Joshua the strong and courageous
Spied out the land, did something outrageous
Believed his God would help him take the land
Let’s talk about Elijah a survivor
Won the showdown with fire
God’s power shown through this amazing man
What about Esther there’s no bester
Had a fashion crew that dressed her
Put her life on the line for her people and saved the day
Yeah their stories seemed to start the way
An ordinary life but they chose to obey
Unlikely heroes is what they all became
From these ordinary people came extraordinary things
Everyday people like me
And if God don’t have no favourites then you have to agree
There is an unlikely hero in me
Let’s talk about Mary she was just a teenager
Birthed God's son in a manger
Jesus came down, gave us eternal life
And then there’s Ruth, Yeah I tell you the truth
God wants to redeem us she is living proof
Looked after Naomi and Boaz made her his wife
I said Tim-o-thy, Yeah you-know-me
Learnt a lot from Paul about min-is-try
Took the message of Christ to the corners of the earth
These ordinary heroes show this one thing is true
If he did it for them he can do it for you
Living lives of purpose full of eternal worth
From these ordinary people came extraordinary things
Everyday people like me
And if God don’t have no favourites then you have to agree
There is an unlikely hero in me
From these ordinary people came extraordinary things
Everyday people like me
And if God don’t have no favourites then you have to agree
There is an unlikely hero in me
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130277
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
We trust things everyday, in every single way
Whether sitting in a chair or in a taxi
We hope the chair won’t break and the driver stays awake
And that pimple cream will get rid of my acne
‘Cause if I can trust in all these things
Then here's something profound
I put my faith much more in God
Who has never let me down
I’ve got faith in the God of the Bible
I’m trusting what He says is reliable
There’s confidence deep below
A conviction even though
I cannot see Him with my eyeballs
I don't find it hard to trust, that when I board a bus
It will take me to my desired destination
It won't take me to my Aunts, or to the south of France
I really don't have time for a vacation
‘Cause if I can trust in all these things
Then here's something profound
I put my faith much more in God
Who has never let me down
I’ve got faith in the God of the Bible
I’m trusting what He says is reliable
There’s confidence deep below
A conviction even though
I cannot see Him with my eyeballs
I cannot see Him with my eyeballs
I cannot see Him with my eyeballs
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130266
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
What is the answer
I can’t comprehend how to get to the end of this question
It is baffling me
What could it be?
I know the answer
I know it sounds swell but I simply can’t tell you the answer, it’s against the rules
And that’s just not cool
Tell me Dan Tell Me, No!
Tell me Dan Tell Me, No!
Tell me Dan Tell Me, No!
There’s just no possible way that you can make me abandon my principles
Come on Dan, it’s just a little question
No one will find out we won’t end up in detention
I could tell you the answer, I’m sure you will say thanks, but with all this cheating next we will be robbing banks
Woah, that’s a big jump
talking about a life of crime
It’s just a little cheating
People do it all the time
This idea sounds rotten
It couldn’t be fresher
You won’t convince me
How about I add some peer pressure?
Tell Us Dan Tell Us
Tell Us Dan Tell Us
Telephone Dan Telephone
It’s A, A, the Answer is A
That was not a hint to what the answer could be!
It’s B, B, the answer is B
No it’s not right to cheat, why can’t you see
It’s C, C
Mr Smith?
You’re looking for the answer in all the wrong places, I see by your faces you don’t have a clue
The test that you’re taking will be forgotten soon, probably by lunchtime if not this afternoon
But you said this was important?
Yes to a degree, but life is bigger than this test and I think you will agree
What matters in life, now lend me you ears, that you trust your saviour for the rest of your years
If you’re facing a question and you want to win
You’ll find the answer in Jesus the King of Kings
I got it Sir, I Got it, Yes!
I got it Sir, I Got it, Yay!
We got it Sir, We Got it
You’re telling us the answer
For every single question
No matter your profession
The only Son of God Jesus!
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130278
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
There is hope in our lives that may not come to pass
Like winning the Olympics for running really fast
Like getting superpowers and flying to the moon
Or finding buried treasure hidden underneath your room
But Dave it's a bit silly to hope for all that
Well my trust is in God and that’s that!
But still
I hope that I win the lottery
I hope that I avoid eating broccoli
I hope that I learn to sing properly
I hope I hope I hope I hopeity hope
I hope that I become a movie star
I hope that I drive a fancy car
I hope that I get a bottomless cookie jar
I hope, I wish, I dream, I fish, I cross my fingers optimistically
All this may happen, or maybe not
It doesn't matter because of the one thing that you've got
You have hope that you can count on Him
You have hope that you're free from sin
You have hope for the joy He brings
You have hope hope hope hopeity hope
You have hope that He's chosen you
You have hope that He'll get you through
You have hope He loves your little brother too
You have hope hope hope hopeity hope
And if your hope is in our God
An anchor for the soul
All these other things don't really matter much at all
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130265
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Do do do do do
Do do do do
Talkin’ ‘bout love Ah, What?
Talkin’ ‘bout love, love, love, love, love, love, love
What are you talkin’ ‘bout Dave,
And why are you acting this way about love
Why you talking about love, love, love, love?
Well it’s very simple Dan
What you need to understand is love
It’s all about love, love, love, love
Everybody’s talkin’ ‘bout love
Thinking they know everything there is to know about love
But without a shadow of a doubt, the secret’s out
People don’t know what they’re talkin’ about
Love’s putting others first
Looking out for one another without being coerced
Love your family and friends, but that’s not the end
All around the world your love can extend
But where did we get this love?
Something so good fits like a glove
Like a glove, like a leather glove, glove, glove, glove, glove, glove, glove
Well this is God’s own love
Through His Son sent from above
from above descending like a dove, dove, dove, dove, dove, dove, dove
Do do do do do
Hey, hey
Do do do do
We’re talkin’ ‘bout love
We’re talkin’ ‘bout love, love, love, love, love, love, love
Do do do do do
Hey, hey
Do do do do
We’re talkin’ ‘bout love
We’re talkin’ ‘bout lovely, gubbely, wubbely, lovely, love
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130276
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
We start with Samuel our priest in training
He did God's work without complaining
Well late one night heard a voice in his head
Eli the priest said go back to bed
Well turned out to be God
Hey what do you know
Pointed out to Eli the way to go
If you make the choice
To listen to His voice
You can be used by God
These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me
These are the children of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see
While tending the sheep just doing his thing
When Samuel rocked up to anoint a king
Each of Dave’s brothers thought they had the part
But Samuel said God looks at the heart
So David was chosen what a surprise
His dad and brothers could not believe their eyes
If you're big or small doesn't matter at all
You can be used by God
These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me
These are the children of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see
Everyone thinks being king would be great
But imagine that pressure at the age of eight
Josiah took the throne from his elderly dad
Who in terms of rulers was pretty bad
He had set up idols led the nation astray
Until Josiah declared this ends today
If you make a stand for what you know is right
You can be used by God
These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me
These are the children of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see
Miriam saved her little brother’s life
And Isaac didn't run when he saw the knife
A girl told Naaman that the prophet could heal
And a little boy’s lunch fed thousands in a field
Jesus said let the children come unto Me
He raised a girl from the dead for all to see
By now you've got the message
Even though you're small
You can be used by God
These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me
These are the children of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see
These are the children of the Bible
Not much different from you and me
These are the children of the Bible
God can use you
Just wait and see
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 6034766
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Have you ever thought of your hands before?
They’re kind of something that you can't ignore
Four fingers and opposable thumbs
Thanks for the science lesson mum!
Just think of all the things your hands can do
I know that I can name more than you
Oh really? It’s on
Like a fist bump
Or a high five
Catch a basketball
Ah that's a bee hive
Tie your shoelace
Or a reef knot
Bake a cupcake
Build a robot
Make a puzzle in an afternoon
Eat my mums spaghetti with a spoon
I use my hands to make ravioli
I use my hands in soccer, what? I'm the goalie
There's so much you can do with your hands
Playing the drums or guitar in the band
There's so much you can do with your hands
I’m eating candy with my hands, these dandy candy eating handy hands
Just let me get a little deep for a minute
There's a question to be asked no matter how you spin it
Who made these hands in the first place?
Well it was our great God and amazing grace
God asked Moses what’s in your hand?
Before He let him take His people to the promised land
Just think of all your hands can do
Make a difference for Christ, it's up to you
But there are somethings that we shouldn't do
Like climbing through the bars pat the lion in the zoo
Skip rope with a snake, fish for crocs in a pond
Write John on your name tag if your name is not John
Pick your nose with a finger, punch a kangaroo
These are just a few things that you shouldn’t do,
With your hands
Well these are just a few thing that you shouldn’t do
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130104
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Alright boys here’s your theme for today
You’ve got to make us a song without any delay
God created us to be close to Him
You got this lads, now it’s time to sing
Ever been so busy you missed out on a meal
Your tummy starts to rumble and grumble, “what’s the deal?”
Well this is not a mystery, shouldn’t be a surprise
Get some food in your belly is what I would advise
Did you know you could feel this way about God’s Word
You can’t want to dive in because your hunger is stirred
You may not understand it or feel this way
But don’t worry, start by reading a little each day
Zacchaeus collected taxes from Matthew and Mark, Luke and John
No wonder they didn’t like him or get along
Deceiving, misleading, and robbing people of money
Nobody likes you, you’re bad and you should feel bad, ya dummy!
But Jesus rocks up and blows everyone’s mind
By loving Zacchaeus and treating him kind
What a moment that proves no matter what you have done
If Zack can hang with Jesus so can everyone
So draw near
Everybody lend me your ears
Straight up you were created to be close to Him
But sin and shame was still a problem
Until Jesus made a way to draw near
Everybody lend me your ears
Straight up you were created to be close to Him
God calls you friend and you’re welcome
‘Coz Jesus made a way to draw near
Now this may be tricky to understand
Jesus left a comforter, a helper to lend a hand
You’ve probably seen Him drawn like a dove
Or fire or water or wind or all of the above
But what we want to focus our attention on today
Is the simple fact that Holy Spirit helps us pray
So if you’re tempted, distracted, tend to listen to haters
Remember you are fearfully and wonderfully created
Ah you know Moses, the leader, who was kind of flawed
Yeah he had murdered an Egyptian ran away and met the Lord
In a bush that didn’t burn, God made him a commitment
He would never ever leave him and get him an assistant
So a mighty team was formed God, Moses and Aaron
And the presence of God with them was apparent
It’s not exclusive to the Bible we can live like this today
Walking through your life with Jesus, He’s not going away
So draw near
Everybody lend me your ears
Straight up you were created to be close to Him
But sin and shame was still a problem
Until Jesus made a way to draw near
Everybody lend me your ears
Straight up you were created to be close to Him
God calls you friend and you’re welcome
‘Coz Jesus made a way to draw near
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130106
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
So I understand completely all about apples
It ain’t that hard to figure out a plum
Banana’s, paw-paw, cherry, grapes and Lee-mons
But at this fruit party you’ve provided none
Well I see how this may seem slightly confusing
Maybe this invitation misled your mind
I’m not talking 'bout fruit that grows in gardens
But about the fruit that grows with Christ, the spiritual kind
I think I know what you’re talkin’ about Dave
God delivers us fruit if we behave
You’re way off base it’s not about what you do
It’s the Spirit of God living inside of you
We're talking 'bout love
It's the fruit of The Spirit
Joy and peace
It's the fruit of His love
Not talkin’ ‘bout bananas
It's the fruit of The Spirit
Given from your mumma
It's the fruit of His love
We're talking 'bout patience
It's the fruit of The Spirit
Kindness goodness faithfulness
It's the fruit of His love
Gentleness, remote control
It's the fruit of The Spirit
It's the fruit of His love
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130109
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
We’ve been sitting here for hours
not making any ground
We’ve tried every chord and scale
but we still can’t find the sound
And we’re completely sick and tired
This happens all the time
When attempting to write lyrics
They never seem to rhyme
Cue banjo
It started on a Monday
Inspired from above
We would try and write a song
And show God our love
But that was last October
And I’m starting to think
When it comes to writing songs
Perhaps we really stink
Ooo of roses? No
We’re writin’ a song
About writin’ a song
It’s harder than you think
Just try it, it will take you really long
We’re writin’ a song
About writin’ a song
There’s no other way about it
But it’s all coming out wrong
Our theme was really simple
Let’s write about our King
But words like omnipotent
Are really hard to sing
Seemed easy in the Bible
King David had it down
Perhaps we’ll learn some Hebrew
And buy ourselves a crown
Do you think it’ll help?
Easier than learning the harp
We’re writin’ a song
About writin’ a song
Absolutely pumped and excited
We started out so strong
We’re writin’ a song
About writin’ a song
Our ability has left the building
It’s time to run along
No, you’re writing this song
Arrggghhh it’s all deep down inside me
Exactly how I feel
It can’t come to the surface
Must be blocked by last nights meal
We worked hard to impress Him
Well maybe that’s the thing
God just wants our lives
And our hearts to sing
Beautiful Dan
We’re writin’ a song
About writin’ a song
It was getting to complicated
Like trying to play mah-jong
We’re writin’ a song
About writin’ a song
God doesn’t mind about rhyming
But it’s easier to sing along
By George I think we’ve got it
Yes indeed
We were all hung up on trying to find the perfect words
When God just simply wants our worship
If our hearts are in it God loves it
That was beautiful Dan
Let’s slow it down Dave
We’ve written a song
About writin’ a song
It wasn’t as hard as imagined
But it took us really long
We’ve written a song
About writing a song
Anyone on earth on can do it
You’ve just got to sit yourself down
With a friend and a banjo
And spend a few months
Fruitlessly trying to rhyme
We sorted this out Dan
It’s all about the heart
That’s what I meant
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130109
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Waking up early Christmas morning
Ready to jump on mum and dad without warning
I’m so excited I've waited all year
For the presents just for me, spreading Christmas cheer
I know I told you we all have gifts
But I think that perhaps you've got the wrong drift
So I won’t get those new shoes for my feet
No but you do get gifts that will make your life so sweet
Just calm right down Dan and chill out
It’s gifts from God not Santa that we’re talking about
God knows exactly how He made ya
He put you together mixing every kind of flavour
You’ve been blessed with a gift so wonderful
So use it to serve others and make the world more colourful
God knows exactly how He made us
Your parents to your neighbour
Every kid on the school bus
We've all been blessed with a gift so wonderful
So use it to serve others and make the world more colourful
God knows exactly how He made ya
He put you together mixing every kind of flavour
You’ve been blessed with a gift so wonderful
So use it to serve others and make the world more colourful
God knows exactly how He made us
Your parents to your neighbour
Every kid on the school bus
We've all been blessed with a gift so wonderful
So use it to serve others and make the world more colourful
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130100
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Well the night was dark and stormy
It was overcast?
Okay it was clear
When all of a sudden an earthquake
A faint sound in my ear
When Angels
Appeared before us
Announcing the Messiah was born
In little old Bethlehem
Well I was mildly worried
I was wetting my pants
I casually tried to slip away
Okay I headed for France
When Angels
Appeared before us
Announcing the Messiah was born
In little old Bethlehem
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130273
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Smack bang in the middle
Is a book riddled with songs and poetry
From a kid named David who unknowingly Wrote these verses heroically
For his heart stayed true through thick and thin
Whether he was a shepherd or a king
Now here is the message he had for you God loves ya no matter what you do
Name the wisest man who ever was
Solomon, yes, and that’s because
When God asked him is there anything you need?
He said “Give me wisdom to help me lead”
So take the time and apply your mind
Much knowledge and wisdom your heart will find
Read Proverbs often and watch your life grow
As God waters the seeds of wisdom you sow
Psalms, Proverbs and Parables too
We're talking about the wisdom here for you
Every book, every page, every storyline
Of poetry, history, inspired, divine
Wisdom for life, your every day
Wisdom for your soul as you're making your way
Through the tough times
you gotta trust your God
Through the good times
you gotta trust your God
Who doesn’t love an agricultural story?
When Jesus told them they were revelatory
He spoke in words and pictures that they understood
About ordinary things in the neighbourhood
Like fishing or farming, lost treasure and sons
The kingdom of God is in everyone
Read the words written down that Jesus said
They’re easy to find look for the letters in red
Psalms, Proverbs and Parables too
We're talking about the wisdom here for you
Every book, every page, every storyline
Of poetry, history, inspired, divine
Wisdom for life, your every day
Wisdom for your soul as you're making your way
Through the tough times
you gotta trust your God
Through the good times
you gotta trust your God
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130273
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
I was but a school boy with time on my side
A+ every assignment and task
Unfettered by malice, by greed or despair
It was all soon to change with one class
It was science oh how I loved it
Hypothetical, experimental, theoretical
Beautiful science with Mr. Bunsen
Every Thursday my favourite teacher taught me how to think
This was the last day I was to be at primary school
And Nathan and I were asked to see Mr. Bunsen in the science lab
Mr. Bunsen needed to speak to Nathan
So I took the liberty of one last farewell of the science lab
So many memories of dissected mice
And the familiar smell of burnt eyebrows
Out of the corner of my eye I spotted an unfamiliar cage
I approached it warily
There was a small animal inside
Hamster 405 said the small plaque on the cage
An experiment in rodent intelligence
It warned me of it's cunning genius
But I laughed it off
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
How smart could a hamster be?
The cage rattled
What’s that little fella?
You want to get out?
Sorry buddy, no can do, you see the...
Ooo… is that Chocolate?
Don't mind if I do
It only took a moment
I opened the cage and he was gone
And he’d taken the chocolate with him
What had I done!
I had lost Mr. Bunsen's experiment
And unleashed a genius hamster created by…
Science oh how I loved it
Hypothetical, experimental, theoretical
Beautiful Science it had created
A hamster with such intellect it could take over the world!
Oh Mr. Bunsen I’m so sorry!
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130273
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
There’s something deep inside me
That makes me feel the way I do
It’s something that can guide me
When there’s a choice for me to choose
I’m not talkin’ ‘bout trivial things
Like which sweater goes with my shoes
We’re talkin’ ‘bout the heart now
Not just the muscle that’s pumping your blood
You gotta listen up now
Well it’s a message from above
God wants you to know that He knows
That out of your heart comes love
The whole world around you has got it wrong from the start
They’re looking on the outside
But God looks at the heart
So now that you’ve listened (with your ears)
I hope you understand (using your brain)
Don’t let the condition (beware) of your heart get out of hand (look after your heart)
Be just like King David
And have a heart for God and His plan
For you
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130112
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Dan Lee-Archer & David Wakerley
Alright boys here’s your theme for today
You can write this song it’s in your DNA
Jesus the Messiah was God’s plan all along
Enough chitter chatter, give me a song
He’s Holy
And Righteous
He’s Worthy
And Marvellous
Born in a manager direct from above
Down came the Saviour motivated by love
Sent on a mission with God’s rescue plan
Our sin was forgiven fully God, fully man
On the journey Jesus made He met a man born blind
Used to being looked down on and treated unkind
He couldn’t get a job so just sat at the gate
Asking every passer-by “you got a denarius mate?”
Well Jesus saw him sitting didn’t leave him alone
Spat in the dirt and what happened next is pretty well known
That mud in his eyes gave his sight back, Hooray!
Still look to our Saviour Jesus for healing today
He’s Holy
And Righteous
He’s Worthy
And Marvellous
On that dark day faith, hope and love seemed lost
Jesus was arrested and hung on the cross
The devil celebrating “I’m the man, I’ve won!
I got the victory over Jesus, God’s only Son”
But the Devil was wrong, misguided, confused
With one word Jesus could have simply refused
He choose to give Himself up as a sacrifice
The whole world could now inherit eternal Life
Then Jesus summed it up before saying farewell
Make sure you love your neighbour as yourselves
His life an example of how our lives could be
And everyday we’re asking WWJD?
He’s Holy
And Righteous
He’s Worthy
And Marvellous
He’s Holy
And Righteous
He’s Worthy
And Marvellous
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 7130279
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com
Words and Music by
Gio Galanti, David Wakerley & Dan Lee-Archer
Funny Man Dan, it’s Dave, are you ready?
Are you out of bed?
Are you dressed?
Are you lying?
Come on man, today’s the day
You know what we’ve gotta do
I exit the house, and I'm in no doubt
That today's another day I'm gonna let it out
No matter where I’m from, no matter where I live
It doesn't even matter that I'm still a kid
I'm an itty bitty freckle on a great big earth
But there's something much bigger that gives me worth
More than money, more than things or a vault full of gold
Consider me an auction, already sold
To the man with the beard, no, not him;
I’m talking about the One who paid for my sin
So don’t hold me down, you can’t even try; I'm living for Jesus, so watch me fly
The playground is where I spend some of my time
And there are those who tend to whine
"So you know Jesus?" They say to me
I say, "Yo! Let me tell you something for free”
It was His love that made me see the light;
Set me free from picking this fight
So I’m standing up, not being weak
I’m gonna turn the other cheek
Not worried about what others are thinking;
My eyes on Jesus, I can't stop singing
"Hey mister, what's this song about?"
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
The truth of the word boils down to one thing;
That God is love, and love is the King
Love your neighbour, love God, love your enemy,
Woah, just a minute now let me see
Did Jesus really say we should all love those
Who hurt our feelings and step on our toes?
Yes, absolutely it's a well-known fact;
We should even give them the shirt off our back
The extra mile that you go for a friend
Should also be the mile that you spend
With the people in your life, God placed there
To see His love replace their fear, yeah
You did not just rhyme replace their, with fear, yeah?
I certainly did
Come on, we can’t fail at this
Don’t worry, I know something that never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
Love never fails
So the end of this rhyme is to simply correct
The picture of love that you get
From TVs to movies and video,
It’s not all romantic and mushy you know
Loving the world is easy to say,
But trying to live it out loud everyday
Is a full time job 24/7;
But that's the only way to bring down heaven
To earth and let His will be done
And speaking of done, I'm finished
You’re what?!?
I’m finished
What, are you on vacation?
No, no that’s the end of the song!
But it doesn’t even rhyme
Why does it have to rhyme?
I don’t know, but it was in this book,
“Kickin’ it in Hop Hop”
Wow, is it good?
Kinda but my foot still hurts
What does it say about ending a song?
Well, it says you need a strong ending,
You know, like the title of the song
Let’s do that then.
Love Never Fails!
Oh, and then some whistling
Hillsong Music Publishing Australia
CCLI: 5192836
PO Box 1195 Castle Hill NSW 1765
PH: +61 2 8853 5300 FX:+61 2 8846 4625
Email: publishing@hillsong.com