This is a new album from Hillsong In Korean featuring “King Of Kings,” "Good Grace" and "Another In The Fire"
힐송의 최신 찬양 "King of Kings", "Good Grace", "Another In The Fire", "Heart of God" 의 한국어 번안 곡이 수록된 힐송 한국어의 새로운 앨범
Song List:
- 렛 고 - Let Go (Download Lyrics)
- 지극히 높으신 주 - King Of Kings (Download Lyrics)
- 은혜의 주 - Good Grace (Download Lyrics)
- 온전케 하시네 (날 붙드소서) - Whole Heart (Hold Me Now) (Download Lyrics)
- 불 가운데 있을 때 - Another In The Fire (Download Lyrics)
- 하나님의 마음 - Heart Of God (Download Lyrics)
- 날 자녀라 하시네 - Who You Say I Am (Download Lyrics)
- 내 영혼 잠잠해 - Be Still (Download Lyrics)
- 구세주의 열정 - The Passion (Download Lyrics)
- 하나님이 세상을 - God So Loved (Download Lyrics)
- 날 빚으소서(뉴와인) - New Wine (Download Lyrics)
- 나 또한 (수천만번이라 - So Will I (100 Billion X) (Download Lyrics)
You are welcome to find the official lyrics in each song's title linked above.
Album Formats:
지극히 높으신 주 / King Of Kings - Digital Audio (Available Here)
지극히 높으신 주 / King Of Kings - Lyric Videos (Available Here)
지극히 높으신 주 / King Of Kings - Digital Sheet Music (Available Here)